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오늘 pbe서버에서 마스터이가 새롭게 바꿔진다고 하는 것같아요...
일단 원본을 올려드리죠..
Originally Posted by Riot (View RedTracker Source)
Master Yi's slated for a visual upgrade and kit rework in a coming patch . In addition to a new model, more polished
animations and expanded voice over, each of Yi's abilities are getting updates to address issues with his popular
AP and AD builds. His kit should still feel familiar to both AP and AD enthusiasts, and we're hoping to retain most
of the fun aspects of both playstyles. We had three basic goals with the Master Yi updates: Polish up Master Yi's
art and aesthetics so they hit the same level of polish as new champions Merge the most enjoyable aspects of
AP and AD Yi into a single cohesive playstyle Place more emphasis on mastering Yi's abilities so he's less
frustrating in lower level play and scales better with player skill
Why'd Master Yi get a new look?
Master Yi was one of the first League of Legends champions ever created. Back then the game had a less
established artistic identity. We've learned a lot over the years, but we also thought it was important to preserve
his core look and feel as a part of LoL history. The differences are subtle, but when you check out the new Yi you'll
notice his proportions are more in line with his fellow champs, his animations are more polished and he has some
sweet new acrobatic moves on Alpha Strike, Double Strike and Highlander.
Why does Yi need a design update?
Most of AD Yi's power comes from his basic attack combined with the steroid effects on Wuju Style, Highlander and
Double Strike. Without AP, there's almost no incentive to master your active skills Meditate's not a very effective
disengage and Alpha Strike can actually make you lose DPS since you could be attacking during the cast animation.
By contrast, AP Yi requires careful management of Alpha Strike, Meditate and Wuju Style to maximize damage and
survivability, but doesn't do a whole lot with his basic attack until he gets Lich Bane. While both these playstyles
are interesting in their own right, they don't necessarily have to be mutually exclusive, and there's probably a
unified design that offers the best of both. Moreover, while AP Yi's a rather compelling late game fighter, he's
extremely frustrating to face in lane, so scaling back Alpha Strike and Meditate was a necessary part of the update.
What's happening to AP Yi?
While straight AP probably won't remain a prominent build, AP Yi players will find many of the familiar elements
of their playstyle intact. While Alpha Strike and Meditate are scaled back so they're less overwhelming in lane,
carefully managing your active abilities will play an important role in staying alive and maximizing your DPS. You'll
also have the added power of AD Yi's basic attack to make up for your less devastating Alpha Strikes.
How's the new Master Yi play?
We imagine the updated Master Yi will work well in both mid lane and the jungle. We definitely want to skew his
itemization away from the typical tank heavy fighter builds. The updated kit rewards glass cannon DPS builds that
rely on disengaging with Alpha Strike and Meditate to stay alive. Most of his power still comes though items rather
than natural scaling through levels. Overall, Master Yi players should have more strategic options, and more
incentive to master his full kit to fight effectively.
우린마스터이에대해세가지기본적인목표를지니고 있습니다. 1.마스터이의그림및 미관은새로운챔피언과동일한수준으로세련 될것입니다. 2.주문력및공격력의즐거운부분을합쳐하나의하나의응집력있는 플레이스타일을지닙니다. 3.마스터이의스킬에중점을둬서낮은수준의게임에실망스럽지 않게높은스킬을지닌게임엔능력에비례하여야합니다.
왜마스터이가새로운모습을갖게되나요? 마스터이는극초기에발매된챔피언으로그때의리그 오브레전드 는적은예술적정체성을지니고있었습니다. 우리는핵심적인 모습 과느낌을보존하는것이중요하다고생각했고수년이 지나많은것 을배웠습니다. 이제마스터이는비율이동료챔피언과유사해지고 애니메이션이화려해질겁니다.
왜마스터이의디자인을업데이트한건가요? 공격력마스터이의힘은대부분우주류검술, 최후의전사와, 2연속 공격, 기본공격이대부분을차지하고있었습니다만약당신이 주문 력없다면그에대한보상이거의없었죠. 명상및일격필살이매우 효과적이지못했고시전애니메이션중공격을할수없기때문에 DPS를잃어버리기도했습니다.
반면주문력마스터이는일격필살, 명상그리고우주류 검술을통 해최대피해및생존을조심스럽게관리하며리치베인이 나오기전 까지기본공격은별로필요가없었습니다. 이두가지플레이스타일 양쪽다재미있긴해도그것들은반드시상호작용할필요가없었다 고봤습니다. 또한주문력마스터이는강제적후반게임에서강력해 일격필살과명상을조정할필요가있었기에우린모두가좋아할 통합디자인이있을거라고생각했습니다.
주문력마스터이에게무슨일이일어나는건가요? 주문력마스터이유저들에게익숙한플레이스타일을남아 있지만 주문력에만투자하는빌드를유지하지는않을겁니다. 일격 필살과 명상이이전보다약하게조정되면서라인에서덜압박적이고, 계속 생존하면서DPS를극대화하는데중요한역활를지니게될겁니다. 당신은피해를덜입히는일격필살을만회하기위해공격마스터이 의추가적인기본공격을찾게될거에요
새로운마스터이의플레이는어떻습니까? 우린신규마스터이가미드라인및정글사냥에서 좋은모습을보 일거라생각하고있습니다.. 그의힘은여전히레벨보다아이템에의 지하고있지만마스터이의이의플레이어들이조금더 전략적인옵 션을지닌다면효율적인싸움에더많은보상이주어지게 될겁니다
Change of kids
Playstyle and Kit
Overall, none of his targetting paradigms have changed - nor have any of the abilities changed in their use case.
The majority of this was scaling, timing, cleanup and a couple minor retouches.
Alpha Strike
For example, Alpha Strike now scales off total Attack Damage, deals physical damage and has some light
interactions with critical strike and attack speed.
Hitting an enemy will reduce the cooldown of Alpha Strike - while critical strike will add mini-crits to the skill based on your critical strike chance and damage.
Alpha Strike will have fixed travel time between bounces - so an Alpha Strike on 4 targets will give you a consistent time of untargetability, rather than being proximity based.
This also means that your opponents will have a better sense of when you'll fade back in, so good luck on that.
Alpha Strike has lost its AP ratio... for now. We're experimenting with some models here under-the-hood for a pure AP playstyle - unsure how it'll fully pan out.
Alpha Strike now counts as movement for the purposes of items such as Statik Shiv.
Meditate has changed from a flat armor /magic resistance boost to a % DR model as penetration was causing really
weird damage potentials against what is supposed to be one of Yi's primary defense mechanisms.
It also restores more health the lower health you have - meditating at lower health will provide a bigger damage buffer / health restore in general than meditating at high
Wuju Style
Wuju Style has been changed from a flat boost to a % boost in total attack damage. This smooths out his power
curve a bit better based on how well he's doing throughout the game, rather than spiking early at around level 9 and
then really needing to snowball off a couple kills to remain decent.
Wuju's style's active now deals true damage based on a % of his total attack damage - Master Yi needs to be a threat, regardless of who he's attacking - but the damage difference between destroying squishy targets and piercing high armor targets was getting
a bit absurd.
In general, Wuju Style will add less attack damage early but more and more as he builds additional Attack Damage
and ranking it. We've compensated some of this early damage loss with an increase in base statistics and
One of the things we noticed from continuous playtests was that the more you made Yi focus on Alpha Strike and
Highlander gameplay - the more of a restriction Highlander became.
One of the primary skills a player needs to know while playing Yi is when to engage a fight - but seeing so many opportunities pass by because you were waiting for an apparently unrelated cooldown
(Highlander) seemed counter-intuitive for the build.
Highlander now has a passive/active component - the passive restoring basic cooldowns on kills and assists - while the active keeps the speed benefits that the original highlander had. Note, however, that Highlander will not
reset itself passively or actively.
Double Strike
Double Strike was operating in a burst paradigm that seemed antithesis to the continuous threat pattern that we
wanted to build up - Especially with Alpha Strike becoming a larger part of threat for AD -
this spiked his assassin pattern to an unhealthy level.
Double Strike has been retuned as a building-up paradigm. Every 4th attack, Master Yi's next attack will strike twice for 100% damage and 50% on the second hit - but he must use this additional double strike within the next couple of seconds - This also had some neat synergies with the retuned Alpha Strike and Wuju Style.
왠지 내용사용으로 알파가 ap계수가 더이상 아니라고 하는것같은대 설마.... 아니겠지....
TAG: 리그오브레전드, 마스터이, 마스터이 패치, 리그오브레전드 마스터이, 롤 마스터이, master yi, 마스터이 스킬, 마스터이 스킨, 마스터이 새로은 스킨, 마스터이 새로운 스킬
이만 신룡이었습니다...
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