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루시안 스킬과 인게임, 스토리 정보가 나온거 같습니다.
패시브 [Lightslinger] 빛의사격자
Q [Piercing Light] 꿰뚫는 섬광 타겟을 향해 일직선으로 섬광을 발사합니다. 중간에 있는 적은 데미지를 입습니다.
W [Ardent Blaze] 열정의 불꽃
지정한 지역에 있는 적 유닛에게 별모양의 마 크를 남깁니다. 마크가 남겨진 적에게 데미지를 입힐경우, 추 가데미지를 입히고 잠시 루시안의 공격속도가 최대로 상승합니다.
E [Relentless Pursuit] 끊임없는 추격
루시안이 짧은거리를 돌진합니다. 이때, 루시안 에게 걸린 모든 슬로우효과가 해제됩니다. The Culling으로 적 챔피언을 죽이면 쿨타임이 초기화됩니다.
R [The Culling] The Culling
루시안이 빛의 탄환을 발사합니다. 탄환의 속 도는 점점 빨라지고, 처음 맞은 적에게 데미지 를 입힙니다.
인게임 플레이 모습
루시안은 봇 라이너라고 하네요..
스토리 (번역은 못했습니다..)
Lucian wields relic weapons imbued with ancient power and stands a stalwart guardian against the undead. His cold conviction never wavers, even in the face of the maddening horrors he destroys beneath his hail of purifying fire. Lucian walks alone on a grim mission: to purge the spirits of those ensnared in undeath, his eternal beloved among them.
Like the twin relic weapons they wielded, Lucian and his wife Senna were carved from the same stone. Together they battled evil in Runeterra for years, bringing light to darkness and purging those taken by corruption. They were beacons of righteousness: Senna's dedication to their cause never faltered, while Lucian's kindness and warmth touched the hearts of the many lives they saved. Two parts of one whole, they were devoted and inseparable.
Though Lucian and Senna witnessed terror that would break most warriors, nothing they had seen compared to the horrors wrought by the Shadow Isles. When the spectral denizens of that accursed place began to manifest across Runeterra, Lucian and Senna hunted them down wherever they appeared. It was grim work, but the fearless pair prevailed until one tragic encounter with the soul-collector Thresh. Lucian and Senna had faced such nightmarish undead before, but never one so deviously clever and cruel. As the terrible battle unfolded, Thresh sprung an unexpected ploy. To Lucian's horror, the creature tricked Senna and ensnared her soul, trapping her in a spectral prison.
Nothing could bring her back. Senna was lost, and for the first time, Lucian faced his mission alone.
Though the Warden had taken half of Lucian's heart, he had also created the Shadow Isles' most dangerous foe. Lucian became a man of dark determination, one who would stop at nothing to purge the undead from the face of Runeterra. In honor of Senna's memory, he took up her fallen weapon and vowed to see their mission through to the end. Now wielding both relic weapons, Lucian fights to slay the undead and cleanse the souls of the Shadow Isles. He knows that Senna's soul is lost, but never loses hope that one day he will bring her peace.
"Be grateful. By slaying you now, I spare you an eternity of torment." - Lucian
음.... 재밋는 원딜이 될꺼같군요 ㅎㅎ...
이만 신룡이었습니다.
TAG: 루시안, 신챔피언, 롤 신챔피언, 리그오브레전드 신챔피언, 롤 루시안, 롤 신챔프, 롤 신캐릭, 루시안 정보, 리그오브레전드 루시안, 루시안 스킬
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